Monday, 12 September 2011

A confession and a drawing...

Well I think it's high time I 'fessed up to the reason why I've been a little bit absent of late and only managing one blog post a month. Ohhh you'll like's a good 'un!...

For those of you who just missed my tweet on the tweetiful twitterverse this week, I have been busy growing a baby in my tummy! And then trying desperately to do my best at keeping it a secret from almost everyone until the first trimester was up. I'm a terrible liar...probably the worst you will ever meet. Which is why I don't EVER bother doing it. Tense times! But I'm four months now, and would have shared this news with you regardless to my needing to or not, because it's nice to tell you things :)

So my secret is out. I've been very lucky with morning sickness , but wee baby has zapped me of all my energy, particularly when the evenings roll around. And that's after a hard day...sitting at my desk! So, I'm feeling a bit perkier now, still tired but not sick which makes me happy! I'm still very much working on commissions and have a handful to upload which I will do over the coming weeks. Yes I WILL! (I'm shouting that to myself, not you...don't be afraid!).

So anyways, here is my most recent...

This has been my favourite house to draw so far, without a doubt. Do you like it? I hope you do.

Also, as I said I would, I have housed some of my screenprint embroideries in new gleaming white deep set frames. I've been having a minor internal drama about if I should keep the temple print for my very own walls, because I reeeeally like it. So it's been almost making it onto Etsy for a few weeks now, and I am running out of excuses not to list it! Have you ever really wanted to keep a piece of work you made? And what did you do in the end...keep it or sell it?

I'm off outside now...and hoping I don't get slapped in the face by a wayward leaf again! (Blustery Winds!).

Happy Monday!

Kirsty x


Mandy Tait said...

I absolutely LOVE your drawings! What a talented lass! Congrats on the bump too! x

joanna millington said...

Now it's my turn to be a stalker ;)
But I absolutely love your illustrations, they're so personal and beautiful. I honestly can't tell you how much I love mine!! You're gonna be one talented mama!! xxx

Rebekah Leigh said...

Lovely illustrations as always..Hmm I would keep the one you love the most..You may tire of it after a while and then you can sell it. That's what I do with mine!

Annarack said...

I love your recent work and congratulations!!!!

Clare Fennell Illustration said...

Congratulation! Happy times.
Also I bloody love your work!

Kirsty said...

Beautiful work, as always, and CONGRATULATIONS! How exciting. xx

Kirsty Ramsbottom said...

Thank you SO much lovely ladies! You've bought a tear to my hormonal eyes! hehe :) Means a great deal coming from super talented peeps like yourselves! x

Lisa-Marie said...

Congratualtions Kirsty! You are sneaky! I hope it all goes well, and please do update on your progress!

Your screen prints look beautiful framed! Whenever I make stuff I am so amazed it turned out ok that I generally want to put it in a frame and point at it saying 'look, I did that, I have skills!!'.

Kirsty Ramsbottom said...

Thank you Lisa!! I am a bit sneaky aren't I ;) I'm just waiting for my bump to look more pregnant and less fat, and then I can imagine a photo of it might very well find it's way on here! hehe!

Thanks too about the screenprints! It's so satisfying putting finished pieces into frames, I completely agree! x

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